Various Treatment Equipments Mixers Band Press Screens Screening Press Grit & Grease Seperation Pressurised Sand Filters DAF Units PE Preparation Units Flow Regulation Scrapers Sludge Handling Steel Construction Aeration-Pipeline Solid waste
Pressurised Sand Filters

Temser has been manufacturing Custom Design Pressurised Sand Filters for Food and Beverage Industries and Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants with necessary accessories specific to the automation.

Arsenic Removal on Potable Water
Finest Treatment of the Turbidity on Inlet Water for Food and Beverage Industries 

Non-Destructive Testing Reports and Welder Certificates are furnished on the delivery 

Reverse Washing
Reverse Water Enhanced with  Air activated Agitation

Piping Over Tank
HDPE or Stainless Steel Pipe Line ready to install

Painting Specification
Inside: Certified for Potable Water 
Outside: High Corossion Resistant Epoxy

Complete Pipe Line and Pneumatic Valve System (Op.)
Valf Automation System(Op.)
Local Control Panel (Op.)
Reverse Washing Nozzels(Op.)
Pressure Relief Valfe
Filtration Sand and Grit Media(Op.)